Thursday, January 21, 2010

Owl City

Owl City is my favorite Artists! They sing popular songs like, Fireflies, Vanilla Twilight, and Hello Seattle! I love their music because they have messages in them! Hello Seattle is about a person talking about whatever or whoever you are you have a good life and a purpose in life! I also like Owl City because their music is pop but a little bit of techno! I love music with a little twist, It’s Like, How should I say it? Strawberry ice-cream, with star fruit! Odd in every way, but they work together! The techno part of the key board and soft melody of the piano, in every song works perfect and gets you attached to the songs!

They also sing one of my favorite songs, Dental Care, Rainbow Veins, and Swimming in Miami! My Favorite verses out of Swimming in Miami are “I’m alone above the atmosphere, and no one looking up can find me here! ’Cause I can close my eyes, and disappear! When I climb the stairs to watch the sun; above station walls, the colors run to fill the swimming pool when I am done!” I love that verse to Swimming in Miami because the singer shows power! My favorite verses out of dental care are “I’d rather pick flowers; instead of fight! And rather than flaunt my style. I’d flash you a smile, of clean pearly whites!” Those are my favorite verses because this person is saying that he would rather do the right thing than the wrong thing, and get in trouble! My favorite verses in Rainbow Veins are “Cheer up and dry your damp eyes! And tell me when it rains and I’ll blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins! ‘Cause your heart has a lack of color and we should have known!”


  1. I agree! Owl City is an amazing band, even though it is only one person. I think he has alot of talent and im glad u chose to write about them on your blog. My favorite song by Owl City is Dental Care or Hot air Balloon. My favorite verse from Dental Care is "When i jelously leave on long vacations, that's when dentists scream and lose their patience!"

  2. Yes hanna, true!! In Dental Care the vrese is " When Hygentist leave on long vaccations, that's when dentist lose there patients." Yes Dental Care is a relly good song, even though it makes no sence at all!

  3. i agreee too they are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
